Sunday 27 November 2011

Research: The Other Boleyn Girl opening

Period drama The Other Boleyn Girl uses a introductory from the past as part of the opening titles to introduce the story and some background information for the film. After the typical institution logos, the film goes to black as the soundtrack (non diegetic sound) begins and the production company titles appear over the black and then cuts to the setting of a field before the film's title appears. This is very simple and straight forward.
As the camera pans along the field, the main actors names appear in either the bottom left or bottom right hand corners gradually. Giggles from three children as they run along the field are heard and they call out each other's names.
Two adults appear walking near them as they play in the field in which they exchange dialogue about having a young girl married. Because of the camera focus on the three children, it's obvious that the girl in which the adults are speaking of is one of the young children.
The children continue to run and laugh with each other. Then the film cuts to black as it fades to a church while the titles continue to show on screen. This change of scene with the fade and cut to black show a change in time, though it is unknown how long has passed yet.
As the titles continue, a young woman is shown to be getting ready for a big event. Though it is not yet made obvious, it hints that this woman is one of the children seen previous.
Two other characters enter the room in which the young woman is getting ready in. They exchange dialogue which is proper and formal which shows the genre and time of which the film is set.
The costumes and other elements of the mise-en-scene too emphasis the genre. The dialogue between the three people describe how they are two sisters and a brother and one of the girls is getting married. This refers back to the very first opening scene.

Here the opening scene finishes.

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