Sunday 27 November 2011

Research: Fight Club opening

Fight Club (1999) is not only a very iconic film but it also has one of the most famous titles and opening scenes of a film.
After the film begins with the obvious institution logo and jingle, the titles are all based around visual special effects which are designed to look like the inside of a brain (Edward Norton's character). With flashes the titles appear on the screen as the pathway inside the body continues. Because of the use of extreme special effects, the titles excite the audience and it causes them to act curious to the plot of the film therefore ensuring they continue to watch. Within the special effects are sound effects to symbolises the scientific progression through the body.
As the camera comes 'out' of the body, there is a close up of the narrators skin which continues to get smaller as it works it way up an object (that is later distinguished as a gun) which is when the final title 'Directed by David Fincher' flashes. This sequence lasts roughly 1 minute and 35 seconds long. The soundtrack continues only through the opening titles until the last title has appeared on screen and then the music fades.
The opening scene then begins with the narration of Norton, 'People always ask me if I know Tyler Durden'. The narration connects with the audience as this is his story and he is telling the audience.
Fight Club is known for it's ironic flashback/flash forward technique where the opening scene is revisited, the dialogue between the two characters makes apparent the flashback/forward.
Here is a list of what titles are used at the beginning:
- Fox 2000 and Regency Pictures present
- A David Fincher film
- Brad Pitt
- Edward Norton
- Fight Club
- (singular use of the other actors that appear in the film)
- Casting by
- Film editor
- Based on the novel by
- Directed by

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