Sunday 27 November 2011

Research: Ferris Bueller's Day Off opening

John Hughes' 1985 film Ferris Bueller's Day Off has a very basic but interesting opening title sequence.
After the institution logo, then screen stays black as a fun, blue font introduces the director, main actors and film title while there is non-diegetic audio of the film over it.
Diegetic audio begins over the titles on theblack screen with a radio programme detailing the weather and location of the film. Very hot and Chicago.

The first visual on screen is of a house while the radio diegetic sound continues it cuts to dialogue between two characters. Because of the setting on the house, the dialogue appears to be coming from inside.
There is another quick cut, this time to the face of a character who appears sick. Usually this expression on a face would could connote to the introduction of a horror because of someone being ill (or possibly dead), but because of the upbeat jingle, radio talk and the font on the title, the film appears to be a comedy.

As the opening sequence progresses, the character who appears to be ill claims he is well enough to go to school while his parents tell him he mustn't because of his illness while his sister watches over exclaiming that he is lying. Titles such as the costume designer, written by, etc..continue on screen in the blue, fun font.
The soundtrack makes the introduction feel quite warm and homey, like a family drama. But as soon as the other characters are out of the room, the central character (Matthew Broderick) looks directly into the camera (breaking the fourth wall) and exclaims 'They brought it'. As soon as this is said, the soundtrack  becomes upbeat as the character continues to explain what is going on to the audience.
He reveals how he has 'faked' being ill and gives help (with added titles on the left) to help the audience in doing the same.
This introduction is very simple yet very ideal because the film is introduces simply with humour which represents it's genre, so the audience have a clear understanding of what is going on in the film. There will be an connection between the audience and the main character because of his direct speech to the audience. It is also a form of the Enigma Code as the audience will wonder why the character has pretended to be ill.

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