Sunday 20 November 2011

Planning for main task

When planning what our main task will focus on, Alex and I looked at parts of our research for inspiration.
Looking back at most codes and conventions in film opening titles, we found that using the Enigma Code should entice an audience into a film.
From looking at lots of different genres, the thriller/mystery genre usually uses the enigma code in their opening titles.

In one lesson we were looking at the film openings in the mystery/crime/thriller films Memento (dir. Christopher Nolan), The Island (dir. Michael Bay) and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (dir. Guy Ritchie) while we discussed and thought out different rough ideas of what we could create for our main task.

Our first idea starts off with a black screen while the distributors title appears over it. In a quick cut to the visuals of a close-up of a character's feet as they zoom past the screen while there is a sound effect of a running person. The screen then cuts again to another black screen when the title appears over it 'A film by...' and then back again to the visuals, this time the character who is running is seen in closer because it is in a mid shot as he runs past a a building.

There are  more quick cuts to different camera shots, (mid shot, close up of feet, long shot showing the urban setting) while the man continues to run which implies he is being chased. After this long run, the character runs behind a wall and the camera stops so the camera gets a shot of the character in full while he is panting because he is out of breath. The camera begins to zoom to his face while a narration cuts in over the visual. As the camera gets closer to the characters face, his expression turns to worry and then narration begins, 'There's an explanation as to why I'm in this trouble'. As the camera gets closer, it zooms onto his eyes as the film then cuts to black again where the titles would appear.
While the character was running in the action scenes, there would titles such as 'A film by (_name_)' and the actors name. The first shot would be mute other than the sound effects of running and heavy breathing, but during the running scenes which follow the character there will be tense, non-diegetic that continues until the camera is still. When he is still, there would be a change in the music as it becomes slower and less tense which means the narration can be heard.
In the second idea followed a similar idea but instead of an action scene beginning, this idea used a calmer atmosphere.
After the black titles from the distribution company, etc..the film fades from black to show grass which blows in the wind. Titles appear in the centre saying 'A (_name_) film'. The camera position would start to pan across the grass to reveal two feet. While the camera would be panning, there would be slow, mysterious non-diegetic sound and titles of the main actors fading in and out on the sides.

The feet would get closer to reveal the legs and then as the camera would pan up the body it would go round the body so that once the camera was behind the character, there would be a clear view of the landscape and the back of their head. When the camera slowly pans round to the face the music would continue to match the blank expression on the characters face. The character would begin to show a small amount of emotion which would be a cross between fear and sadness. The soundtrack would change as the camera suddenly zooms out to show an extreme long shot of the character in the film.

In our last idea, there would be a black screen again, to show the distributors logo. As the black screen would fade out of  black to show grass, the soundtrack would begin with a mysterious non-diegetic sound.
The camera would start to pan up the grass to a body lying on the floor and then begin to rotate and pan around it. Because of the makeup on the body, it is hinted that the body on the floor is either dead or seriously injured. The audio would cut to a narrator who begins to say, 'This is the story of how I died'.

The camera would continue to pan round the body which would last about 30-40 seconds. The screen would then fade to black to show the director of the film.
The black screen would cut to a close-up of the person seen before but happy.
 These are only ideas Alex and I have touched upon by using our research. We plan to develop our ideas further this week(21-25th Nov.)

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