Wednesday 7 December 2011

Storyboard of our final rough idea

After looking at lots of film opening titles and sequences for inspiration, Alex and I created a rough idea of our final plan. We both liked the idea of starting off with a flash forward (research: Fight Club, Limitless, Pulp Fiction) and narration (Fight Club, Limitless, True Grit)
1. There is the distribution logo over black which films use.
2. Next on the right is a shot of a pathway as the titles appear from the production company.
3. Below number 1 is a shot which pans along a leg but does not show the full object yet.
4. Next to 3 is a shot of a hand on a body as the camera continues to pan
5. This time the pan has the whole body on the floor in shot
6. Close up of the face
7. Upwards pan which follows the body but continues to follow trees.
8. The title appears of the film over the visuals and then over black which then fades.
In this idea we will be using narration over this scene and include ambient music if mystery and tension.
This is the first part of our filming.

1.  A close up of a person doing up their shirt.
2. Another close up of the person putting on their tie
3. Close up of a foot coming through the end of a pair of trousers
4. Close up of an arm going through jacket
5. The person's is now seen through a reflection as they tidy their hair in a mirror.
6. Close up of shoes being tied on stairs and then they walk.
7. Close up of a kettle being switched on and off.
8. Close up of toast coming out of a toaster.
1. A piece of paper is put into a briefcase by the character and then close.
2. The person picks up the brief case and begins to walk.
3. The person opens a door and begins to walk out.
4. The door closes behind the person.
5. Cut to black - end of project.

In this part of the film there will be a more upbeat track as the character gets ready because there is no need for any tension as this is a usual day (which will later lead to the first scene). There is no narration or dialogue from the character or others. There will be a few diegetic sounds of the kettle, footsteps and the toast popping out. This is where the titles of actors, music, story, director, etc...will feature.

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