Tuesday 13 December 2011

Actor profile / make up /costume

As we only used one actor in the whole of our production, I decided to write a profile on his characteristics for the character, so each costume the actor wore for the film and the make up.
Our actor is Gavin who goes to our school. This way it was easy for us to get in contact with him for filming purposes. The character in a film had to be male so Gavin fits this purpose. Our age was a rough estimate between 15-30 and because Gavin is 17 he fitted this role. He plays an older character which was shown through the use of costume.
In the first part of our filming, the character wore casual clothes as I have stated before in my research. Here are some images.
He also had to feature some make up as he had to have bruises and cuts over his face to show that he has been in a fight and incident
On the second day of filming for our part the character was dressed in a suit:
He required no make up as the character himself did not wear make up and there were very few close ups compared to the last time of filming.

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