Tuesday 6 December 2011

Planning and filming the second part of our film

Due to technical difficulties, this blog post has been posted a week after the filming had been done.

On Sunday 27th November 2011 between 10am -midday, Alex and I filmed the last part of our film, the 'getting ready' scene.
From our research, we noticed that most films either at the beginning or near the end feature a scene where the character is getting dressed or ready for an event. We decided to use a similar technique when creating the second scene but also show a contrast to the gloomy, mystery introduction we have by showing the protagonist a little more upbeat.

For our location we used a house which needed to include a bedroom, stairs, front door and kitchen for our scene. Because Alex and I do not have bedrooms which could qualify as being for boys, we used the actors house as his bedroom obviously represents that of the protagonist and the kitchen, stairs and front of the house fit the genre and were easy to get to for filming.

We did the safety check to ensure that the location was safe to film but as it was a living condition house, this was accomplished a lot quicker than when we filmed on a road location.

Here are some pictures of our location

Our actor for this scene is the exact same as the one for our scene before, the lead character who is a young male. Of course we used the same actor as he obviously fits the role.

This time round there was no need for any make up as there was no real focus on the characters face and there is also no injury or any other effects needed on the face or body. The clothing this time round is a suit because the character is going to an interview. We chose a smart suit which included a tie, shirt, trousers, socks, shows and a jacket. This is a main part of our filming as we focus on these items of clothing as they are being put on by the actor.

Here are some pictures of our actor in costume

As we were inside a house for filming our lighting was ambient as we mostly used lightening from the lights in the house.
Props: Toaster and toast/ kettle / briefcase / suit / shoes
There was no make up involved in this scene as there was no need for it as there were no close ups of the face as well as the character not needing it.

Camera Shots
Here are some pictures we took to show the camera shots and angles we'll use. Later we will justify these in our storyboard.

As this is the opening scene of the film it only involves the main character. This scene does not feature any dialogue from the character so the only audio in this section is the soundtrack. When we come to edit this scene we will look closely at soundtracks to use (making sure we use copy right free music)

This part of filming was generally a lot simpler to film compared to our first day of filming because we did not depend on the weather as were inside. The weather did help with some of the later camera shots as they involved a window in the background which was down to the time we filmed. We also found that there were no problems in costumes or other parts of the mise-en-scene because our location of a home was already in the right form to fit our topic.

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