Tuesday 10 January 2012

Production company

From the research (here and here) I did in film opening titles and sequences, I found that all films showed their production company and distributor at the beginning of their film. Most production company's feature the same logo/jingle/design at the start of every film they release instead of personalising them to a certain film. This is so audiences can easily recognise a production company because it uses the same logo.

Most companies use logos which define and show their title which sounds simple but it is very effective. An example is 'Dreamworks' who's sequence is a a boy sitting in the clouds which refers to dreams. Another is Lionsgate who sequence shows a gate being opened and Walt Disney Pictures shows the famous, iconic Disney castle which also reflects the fun, magical theme the films by Disney Pictures hold.

The most famous film logo would be Universal Pictures which shows the world where the text of the company appears over it. The world could resemble the 'universe'. All of these are recognisable as film institutions to release the film. Another is BBC Films which gentle shows the title over blue and gentle eases into the frame over black.
One that I used for research into our own production company was the logo for Working Title. The title 'working' means that something in the production and being created while 'title' refers to the name of the piece. Simply, Working Titles create productions with titles. Again these lights which form the shape for the logo are over black.

Alex and I decided we wanted our two minute opening sequence to feature a production company at the beginning so it looks like a professional film. Before we started our coursework, our classwork was subjected on Production companies, media institutions, mass media, brand ideology and so on. A task our class had to perform was to create our own company and include and ethos, ideology, etc...Alex and I used the production company our group had designed for our film 'Inspector'.

At first Alex and I tried to come up with our own title to fit the animations on screen. In the final video it is clear what animations we mean. We thought of the names 'Lens Flare' and 'Panormamic' as the animation/title shows a light beam flaring across the titles. We got this inspiration for our research into Universal, Lionsgate, Dreamworks, Walt Disney Pictures and other logos.

We on Panormaic Productions

On the iMac's, we were unable to create a title transition and include a picture but we found a transition/title we thought worked well as a production company. It features a flare of light as a title appears. We used this as it's quite, easy and the light could reflect making films like the sequences for most other film companies have.
On the iMac we were unable to change the font but the default, Times New Roman, worked well with our logo as it looks basic but the light flare adds a bit of fun.
Overall, this will only feature in the first 2 seconds of our beginning, but we wanted to make it look professional for our film.

Here is the final screenshot of our company's logo at the beginning of our film.

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