Saturday 14 January 2012


Even though our task was only to create a two minute opening sequence of a film, Alex and I planned the main outline for our film and after finishing with the film, decided to turn this into a more developed plot line on our own. Obviously, as we did not need to create a whole, feature length film our self, we are able to create the film in the mind of a budget and not an A Level project.
By looking at films of similar genre (eg. Thriller - Fight Club. Film Noir- Inception. Crime - In Bruges. Action - Taken.)

Here is a rough outline of  the plot of Inspector:

23 year old Logan goes for a job interview for a law firm and is successful in getting the job. After, he sees a suspicious man in a hat, suit and briefcase looking at him from a distance but Logan forgets it. When celebrating his new job with friends at the pub, Logan meets a girl at the bar and they swap numbers. The next day, Logan sets up his office and begins to really settle into his work. As he's walking into his house after a good day at work, Logan sees a man staring at him from across the corner which frightens him.
Logan finds out that his new job is not what he thought. After having a client ask for somebody to kill someone off, he is horrified and finds out that he works in illegal assassinations. When he leaves his work, his boss thinks he knows too much and will tell the police about the firm so he rings Logan and tells him they have his girlfriend. Logan rushes to where they are and finds they do not have the girl, instead a coworker attempts to kill him by beating him round the head with a lead pipe. Logan wakes and is rushed to hospital by the people who were the targets for Logan's first client. He tells the police what happened and they find the firm and take away the workers.
A few days pass and Logan is in the park with his girlfriend walking their dogs. Logan's voice over explains how his life has gone back to normal and it's crazy how much can change in a week. But just when everything seems perfect, the camera zooms back and a figure is seen in the distance watching over him.

Under the read more tab is a more in depth, more of a scene by scene look at the film if I was to create it

The film opens with a body on the corner of a street. As the camera pans around the body, a narrator's voice is heard who explains that he is the body on the floor. He continues, saying that it was not his fault he got into this trouble which causes him pain. The story is complicated and the only way it will make sense is if he shows the audience.
Logan, a 23 year old Cambridge graduate in law, is preparing for an interview in a law firm. Everything seems to run smoothly for him, he gets a taxi, arrives at the building of the firm, checks in at the reception, sits in the waiting room and walks into his interview. The man interviewing him shakes his hand and they proceed into a regular job interview. It is obvious from Logan's facial expressions and his tone of voice that he feels comfortable and happy with how the interview is going and finds out he's got the job before he has left the building. Logan goes back to his house, overjoyed at his success, and walks his dog. While he's walking his dog, he sees a man in a suit, hat and glasses peering at him through the gate at the park. Thinking he's just seeing things and jumping to conclusions, Logan dismisses this as anything strange and goes back home. His older brother, Patrick, calls him to congratulate him and the pair meet at a local pub with other friends to drink. During the night, Logan starts talking to a pretty girl at the next table, Jennifer. The pair get along really well, finding they have a lot of similar interests. They both love Charles Dickens books, they have a mutual hate for a radio DJ between 6-8.30 in the morning, both have relatives living in South America and have a dog. Logan and Jennifer swap numbers after she agrees to go on a date with him. Logan wants an early night's sleep before his first day at work so he leaves. As he goes into his house located on a corner, a figure is seen standing on the corner looking in. Logan doesn't notice.
Logan wakes up the next day feeling refreshed, excited but most of all determined to have a great day at work. When he arrives at work, he is greeted by the receptionist and met by Phil, the interviewer from the previous day. Phil shows Logan to his office where he makes himself at home. He sets up his computer, organises his desk and spends the day getting to know his firm. After a day of getting use to his new job and getting sent contacts, he goes home. When walking his dog he rings Jennifer where they set a date for the weekend coming. Logan smiles as he walks home. As he goes into his house, the figure from the night before is back standing and watching him. This time Logan notices the man and stares back. The other man does not move and even though his face is shadowed, Logan can feel his eyes staring. This confuses Logan as he goes back into his house.

It's the next day and Logan is in his office when he hears a knock at the door. Logan tells his first law case to enter. A man, about mid-forties walks in with a thick scar on his right cheek, finger missing and a bruised eye. Logan asks if the man is alright and the man replies saying that he 'got into a bit of trouble but it's ok'. As the man begins to tell Logan his case, Phil walks past the window giving him a thumbs up gesture. Logan smiles and nods back. The man explains how he needs to get a hit man to kill his ex wife's fiancee. Logan is appalled by this and asks the man to leave. The man objects, causing an argument but Logan calmly asks him to leave. The man agrees and leaves. Phil sees the man leave and looks at Logan. Logan walks back into his office, turns off his computer and goes back to Phil to ask if he can go home. He explains he had to send the client away because he suddenly feels ill. Phil lets him go. Logan is seen at his table at home staring at the job application that he applied for looking at the fine print. Before he can read it, he realises it's 6pm and he needs to get ready for his date. At the restaurant with Jennifer, Logan explains his weird day at the office, the man on the corner of the street and the blood at the workplace. Jennifer tells him to ask Phil about the client and that the blood was probably just a joke between the guys at work as Logan is new. She also tells him that the man staring was probably someone lost or got him confused but just as she says this Logan sees the man outside the restaurant window on the phone. Logan jumps from his seat and runs out, leaving Jennifer at the table. She sees him through the window as he walks up to the man asking him why he's following him. The man speaks into the phone 'he's here now, do you want to talk to him?' Logan is confused and repeats his question. The man gives his phone to Logan and without thinking, he takes it and puts it to his ear. He hears a muffled voice, 'I thank you for not accepting Vinny's case. I will be in further contact soon'. Logan asks who the man is, but he has hang up before he can finish. The man takes the phone from his hand and walks away. Jennifer comes rushing out of the restaurant asking what happened. He says it was a misunderstand and he walks her home, kissing her cheek and leaving her.
The next day, Logan stays in bed replaying the events of the night before. As he doesn't work today he stays in bed. Once he finally rises, he goes to his kitchen table and reads the fine print of his application again.
Logan gets in a taxi and goes straight to work without bothering to change into his usual smart attire. He storms into Phil's office and slams his hand on the desk. He demands why he hadn't been informed of the illegal actions he was to carry out within his job, but his boss argues that he had been cautioned in the small print which he'd carelessly not read. Logan gets angry and raises his voice, claiming that he refused to take part in their actions and was quitting that day. Without letting Phil continue, he storms out of the building and thinks of no where else to go but Jennifer's house. 
She ushers him inside, confused at his unstable state, quickly making him a cup of tea to calm him down. They talk things through, and he admits what he'd found out that morning; Lucifer's Law isn't the type of law he'd thought. They provide assassinations for their clients in London. Logan explodes at the improbability of the situation, starting to get worked up about how his life was suddenly exposed to things he'd never even known really existed in the space of just one week. 
She manages to control him and repeats that it's over now because he's out of the picture; he quit his job. Logan eventually agrees, and they kiss goodbye before he departs to head home and sleep. 
At midnight, his phone wakes him. He answers tiredly, hearing Phil's voice that his 'precious little Jennifer' is with him, and he shouldn't have told anyone; it was in the small print. Even in his half dazed state, Logan stumbles from his bed and rushes to where Phil had said to meet him. 
Now he stands on a dark corner, where the story had first began. Logan's backed up against a fence with no where to run while Phil towers over him. Jennifer hasn't been taken hostage, it was all a hoax. As Phil says 'we thought you had so much potential...such a waste' he then backs away and looks over his shoulder, at which point the other shadowed figure takes his place. Logan looks into the eyes of Eric, who seems hesitant at first but then quickly advances. With a swift smack on the head with a lead pipe, the scenes fades into black. 
The shot is back to the beginning; Logan's dead body laying on the pavement as the sun begins to rise. The voice over says 'so we're back to where we began.' The camera zooms out and on the corner of the street, the mystery man is watching. 'Sometimes the people who save you are the ones you least expected.' Sirens are heard in the distance. 'They also say you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.' An ambulance appears on screen as medics rush to help Logan and take him to hospital. 
He wakes up in a hospital bed, with a strange man by his side. The man says, 'hi, I'm Martha's fiance'. Logan looks confused. 'Vinny, the man who came to see you, is Martha's ex and he wants me dead. He told me he'd go to your firm and I worried, sorry about the man following you. Then again, he did save your life.' He explains how he's told the police what's happened, and they're to come in a take his statement to get the men taken down; they've been tracking them down for a long time.Under different names it's easy to not recognise the company. Logan tells the police everything and they catch the company at the building. 
A week passes and Logan is seen walking his dog with Jennifer and her dog. The voice over explains how all the men were put into prison for support in uncountable acts of assisting to murder. Logan and Jennifer are holding hands. The voice over says how he experienced the strangest week of his life, and how easily things can change. 
The camera had been following them to the middle of the park, but then retraces it's steps all the way back to the entrance. There stands a man in dark clothes with a large hood covering his face. He slowly pulls it down as he stares at Logan; it's Phil. 
Credits roll.

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