Friday 14 October 2011

Preliminary Task

Even though I have already posted it, here is what the preliminary task instates:
Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.
Alex (my partner in filming) and I have decided to film this task on Saturday 15th October 2011. As the task is only meant to be a short teaser into our main task with help into filming techniques, we thought a few hours on a Saturday would be the best time to film as we can edit throughout the lessons and our free lessons in the following week (17-21 October).
The location for our film is set in a house and for this task we are filming at Alex's house.
The two actors in the film are going to be Gavin and myself.
Here is our schedule:
11am - Nadine and Actor arrive at Alex's house.
11-11.15 - Set up scene/actors costumes/ props/ other mise-en-scene
11.15-11.30 - Take picture of shots that will be used for storyboard
11.30 onwards - Film all scenes
1.30-2pm - Wrap up filming

During today's Media Lesson Alex and I discussed our main ideas and focuses for our preliminary task. Deciding on the final ideas for our exercise, we created this script which also details the camera shots and angles we will use.

(Establishing shot of house)
(Cut to Medium shot of front door)
(Cut to anothe rmedium shot of person 1 opening door
*person 1 walks through door and sits at a table where person 2 already is* Mid shot of person 1 sitting down, part of the 180 degree rule/POV shot of person 2.)
Person 1- Did you get it?
(Cut to person 2)
Person 2- Yeah
(cut to person1)
Person 1- No one saw you?
(Cut to person 2)
Person 2- Not one
Person 1- Good. I’m glad you understand how important this is to me. (Cut to person1) Hand it over
(Cut to person 2)
Person 2- *pulls away item in bag* Pardon?
(Cut to person 1)
Person 1- Please
(Cut to person 2)
Person 2- *hands over item in bag. Character then leaves room* (camera remains focused on character 1)
Person 1- *unwraps item to find a cupcake* (zoom out from cupcake) *screams* I wanted blueberry!

*fade to black*

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