Thursday 19 April 2012

Re-doing a voicover

Going back through the evaluation and hearing feedback for the final piece, Alex and I decided that we should attempt to add to our final piece in order for it to look more professional. Because the voice over from our actor Gavin, didn't fit in with the mysterious, tense atmosphere we were hoping to create, we though we would replace it with a new voice. We also took this as an opportunity to use new equipment as our first voice over was recording with a microphone in the Apple Mac which gave an echo and was bad quality.

For our new voice, we wanted something more serious, deep and fitting to the tense tone, so we looked at other male voices we know of to provide their voice. These people were in our school year, Scott, Jake, Luke and Ashley. After Alex and I discussed who would be fitting for the role, we decided to ask Jake and luckily he was able to help us out. Even better, Jake studies music technology and so is able to help us in areas Alex and myself are not as knowledgeable at.

For the new recording, we were able to use the Blue Light recording studio that is in our music block at our school. After sorting out times and meetings, we were able to record the voice over using the professional equipment and the sound proofed walls. This was so our voice over sounded professional.

On Friday 20th April at 10am we plan to record the voice over in order to attach it to the final video by Monday morning latest.